The Foundational Patriot

Welcome to The Foundational Patriot!! Hopefully, this will be a place of open discussion about the United States of America. As well as, the threats that it faces from without and from within. While not every point of view will be agreed with, all will be accepted. All topics are open to discussion. But, you are expected to be respectful of others that visit here. Thank You for visiting, now let's have fun.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The John Doe Manifesto

Michelle Malkin puts forth a valiant effort to combat the six imams ejected from a US Airways flight in November. These imams and CAIR are attempting to silence Americans that are trying to protect themselves. CAIR and these imams want it to be criminal for these Americans to report suspicious activity. To that end, they are trying determine who the "John Doe" passengers are that reported their suspicious activity on that flight. Activity that had nothing to do with their public prayers. But, their activity on the flight that should have caused exactly what happened to these imams. Well, Ms. Malkin as an answer for them, The John Doe Manifesto. Read It, Live It and PASS IT ON!


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