The Foundational Patriot

Welcome to The Foundational Patriot!! Hopefully, this will be a place of open discussion about the United States of America. As well as, the threats that it faces from without and from within. While not every point of view will be agreed with, all will be accepted. All topics are open to discussion. But, you are expected to be respectful of others that visit here. Thank You for visiting, now let's have fun.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Norman Podhoretz editor-at-large of Commentary Has This To Say About Joe Wilson.

As posted by Charles of Little Green Footballs here:

Podhoretz: Who Is Lying About Iraq?

Just what is the truth about the intelligence leading up to the Iraq war?

Podhoretz has a lot of compelling information that SHOULD be picked up the mainstream press, but probably wont.

In short, President Bush didn't lie, mislead, exaggerate or coerce intelligence to take us to war. Also of note is the quote from the President's 2003 State Of Union address, where specific states that the threat from Saddam was NOT yet imminent. That was the point,the President didn't want to wait until it was to late to prevent an attack.

Monday, November 07, 2005

This Looks Interesting, Check It Out!!


About Mark

The Rev. Dr. Mark D. Roberts is a pastor, author, speaker and blogger. Since 1991 he has been the Senior Pastor of Irvine Presbyterian Church in Irvine, California (a city in Orange County about forty miles south of Los Angeles). Before coming to Irvine, Mark served on the staff of the First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood as Pastor of Education.

Mark studied at Harvard University, receiving a B.A. in Philosophy, an M.A. in the Study of Religion, and a Ph.D. in New Testament and Christian Origins. He teaches classes in New Testament for Fuller Theological Seminary and San Francisco Theological Seminary.

Mark has written several books, including Dare to Be True (WaterBrook, 2003), Jesus Revealed (WaterBrook, 2002), After "I Believe" (Baker, 2002), and Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther (Word, 1993). His most recent book is No Holds Barred: Wrestling with God in Prayer (WaterBrook, 2005). Mark serves on the editorial board of Worship Leader magazine, where he publishes articles and reviews, including his regular column "Lyrical Poetry." He often speaks for churches and other Christian groups, and has been interviewed on over fifty radio programs nationwide.

Mark is married to Linda, and they have two children.

Mark's Dossier

Professional History:
Senior Pastor Irvine Presbyterian Church, June 1991 to present.
Adjunct Assistant Professor Fuller Theological Seminary, 1994 to present.
Courses: New Testament Theology and Exegesis.
Adjunct Instructor San Francisco Theological Seminary, 1995 to present.
Courses: New Testament Greek and Exegesis.
Pastor of Education First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood, 1987-1991.
Teaching Fellow Harvard University, 1980-1983.

Ph.D. in the Study of Religion. Harvard University, 1992.
Area: New Testament and Christian Origins
M. A. in the Study of Religion Harvard University, 1984.
A. B. magna cum laude in Philosophy Harvard University, 1979.
Phi Beta Kappa; Danforth Fellowship