The Foundational Patriot

Welcome to The Foundational Patriot!! Hopefully, this will be a place of open discussion about the United States of America. As well as, the threats that it faces from without and from within. While not every point of view will be agreed with, all will be accepted. All topics are open to discussion. But, you are expected to be respectful of others that visit here. Thank You for visiting, now let's have fun.

Friday, February 24, 2006

A Day Of Support For Denmark!!!!


Show your support for Denmark in the days and weeks to come. Do what ever you can to let the world know that you stand freedom of speech and freedom in general.

Freedom of speech means that we MUST endure the speech we don't like in order that ALL speech remains free.
The moment we give in to those that want us to censor NON-violent, NON-hate filled speech we have then lost all that we stand for.
America fought and WON our first war so that our people would not be under the control of an oppressive regime. We now face another oppressive regime but, this regime has no borders or uniformed army. It has only an ideology of intolerance towards anything or anyone that does not fall into line with their ideology.
The war has now really started. It started with the first riot to silence the brave Danish cartoonists who did nothing new. They, at the request of a writer, created illustrations that everyone else was afraid to draw. Afraid of the violence that they thought would surely ensue. They were correct in their assumtion, violence has definitely ensued. Violent riots have never before been waged over depiction of the Islamic prophet Mohammed. There are many depictions of Mohammed throughout the world. This is especially true in the Islamic world. has compiled them here, here, and view the whole archive and read the story here

The forces that want war between Islam and the rest of the world have gotten their wish. This war will not end until we are all under "sharia law" or we are free to live as we wish. There is no middle ground it must be one or the other. There are many ideas in this world that I don't agree with. But, I do not riot against the people with those ideas. I will however, fight them with all I have to keep them from taking my God given right to have my have my own ideas. In this effort I will answer the first volley in this war with support for its first soldiers, the cartoonist at Jyllands-Posten.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Jimmy Carter And The "Killer Rabbit"?

In the wake of Vice President Dick Cheney's tragic accident with his friend Harry Whittington.

There were numerous mentions of the Jimmy Carter "KILLER RABBIT" story. Well, since I was only eleven years old when the Carter administration ended, I had not heard the story.

So, I went surffing the net to see what I could find. I not only found the story but I also found a picture here.


Sunday, February 19, 2006

I Too Will Jump On The Band Wagon Of Freespeech Support!!

In a show of solidarity with the cartoonist at Jyllands-Posten, I will provide two links to the dreaded cartoons of blasphemy.

Here is a link to a slide show by Charles Johnson at Little Green Footballs.

The incredible Michelle Malkin has this post with a list of blogs running the cartoons.

My humble little blog is not included, bummer. But, my post is 15 days after she compiled her list.

Here's the most outrageous cartoon. It is outrageous because it is part of the controversy, but it doesn't even depict the Islamic prophet Mohammed.

But, the islamofacists won't let that stop their rampage.