The Foundational Patriot

Welcome to The Foundational Patriot!! Hopefully, this will be a place of open discussion about the United States of America. As well as, the threats that it faces from without and from within. While not every point of view will be agreed with, all will be accepted. All topics are open to discussion. But, you are expected to be respectful of others that visit here. Thank You for visiting, now let's have fun.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Ann Coulter Is Becoming A Liability To The Conservative Movement.

Sean Hackbarth at The American Mind has posted An Open Letter To CPAC pointing out that Ann Coulter has become liability to the conservative movement. At the 2006 and 2007 CPAC events Ms. Coulter has dropped verbal bombs that diminish our cause and reinforce negative stereotypes of conservatives. Please visit The American Mind and post the letter on your site and make it known that this is NOT the kind of discourse conservatives wish to engage.
